Programs / Playbill

At this time sales for the program ads have closed.

The Deadline to purchase was April 30th. (It was miss printed on the website, but I have been sending out e-mail reminders and it was posted in class) There has to be time for me to finish the book and get the original to the printer, they typically need a week or two to print them.

If you did not get to order your ad this year, I’m sorry. The book is completely filled.

If you purchased a program ad please get me your artwork by this Fri May 6th. Email it to me as a JPEG.

A big thanks to those that already got me their program ad’s artwork!

We still have some group pictures that are going to be taken this week. I already put in the ones taken last week. 

This is also your last chance to donate and have your name put in the printed program as a donor.

This week is your last chance to check the spelling of your child’s name in the printed program.

This week is the last chance to get me any arts activities (dance, music, theatre) your child participated in this year. (Sept-May) Getting it in the program is a great way to keep track for your child’s resume for auditions later. Please e-mail me the information.

Thank you so much for your donations, support, understanding and kind words.

This entry was posted on May 1, 2022. Bookmark the permalink.