Important Information

Next week Dec 12, 13, 14, 15

Wednesday I will be putting the colored tape down on the stage. 

Performance Location

Whetstone Recreation Center Auditorium- High Street-Columbus

During class costumes will be handed out. Your child will receive a large Ziplock bag, inside will be (a slip of paper with their name, song name and class time, and their costume) if you pre ordered tights or leotards those will also be in the bag.

Dancers are to put their costume on and they will dance in their costume during class, this is so they can see themselves. After class put everything back in the ziplock bag and take the costumes home. Bring them back Saturday Dec 16 for the performance. Be very careful handling the skirts and tutus or you will end up having to restring them.

After the performance all costumes and any borrowed leotards or tights are to be returned. Tie all skirts and tutus before putting them back in the ziplock.  There will be lawn & leaf bags marked “Returns”, press all the air out of the ziplock and toss it in the leaf bag. Make sure your child’s name is in the bag.

I will be sending out an e-mail with the order of each show. I am still trying to work out the order to accommodate dancers with costume changes.

The day of their performance, I don’t have any required hairstyle other than their hair be neat and pulled back out of the face. Please try to avoid beads, as these can break or fall out and be a hazard for the dancers. If your child has beads, please wear a hair net or secure them in another way.


We cannot get in the Auditorium until 1 pm. at that time we will be setting up rows of chairs for our audience. The center has about 100-150 chairs. I asked for the director to get 250-350 more from the warehouse. If you want to help set up please come at 1 pm. 

Dancers should arrive between 1:30 and 1:50 pm. Dancers, in costume, will be lined up along the North wall in the order of their performance.

We will start promptly at 2 pm. The actual show will only be about half hour to 45 min. We can not wait for on dancers to arrive.

When the show begins, dancers will be escorted to the stage thru the right stage door, perform their routine and then exit the stage thru the left stage door. If your child has a costume change you will need to quickly change them and get them back in line with their next class.

3 pm we will have to get ready for the Far East dancers arriving for their performance. Please pick up any trash and throw it away. Whetstone dancers will be dismissed by 3 pm. 

All costumes and any borrowed leotards or tights are to be returned. Tie all skirts and tutus before putting them back in the ziplock.  There will be lawn & leaf bags marked “Returns”, press all the air out of the ziplock and toss it in the leaf bag. Make sure your child’s name is in the bag.


3 pm we will be straightening up chairs for our audience. Please come at 3 pm if you want to help set up.

Dancers should arrive between 3:30 and 3:50 pm. Dancers, in costume, will be lined up along the North wall in the order of their performance.

We will start promptly at 4 pm. The actual show will only be about 20 min to half hour. We can not wait for on dancers to arrive.

When the show begins, dancers will be escorted to the stage thru the right stage door, perform their routine and then exit the stage thru the left stage door. If your child has a costume change you will need to quickly change them and get them back in line with their next class.

All costumes and any borrowed leotards or tights are to be returned. Tie all skirts and tutus before putting them back in the ziplock.  There will be lawn & leaf bags marked “Returns”, press all the air out of the ziplock and toss it in the leaf bag. Make sure your child’s name is in the bag.

Please help us pick up any trash and stack chairs. Also, the tape on the stage has to be removed. We have to have the Auditorium cleaned up and be out by 5 pm.

Please contact Miss Nicole with any questions. You will receive and e-mail of the order of the show.

This entry was posted on December 13, 2023.

P.L.A.Y. Grants 

The city offers P.L.A.Y. Grants to those families that qualify for assistance with class fees.

These grants will pay up to $20 toward one class per session per child. Over the year you could save $100 in class fees (5 sessions) per child

PLAY Scholarship Fund | Columbus Recreation and Parks Department (

When registering in person, ask about how you can qualify and get financial assistance for your child’s class fees.

This entry was posted on October 19, 2023.

This week is the Last Week for Fall 1 Session

Important Upcoming Dates

This is the last week to reserve your place in class for Fall 2. I have to let the centers know before next week.

Sat, Oct 21 Extra Available Tap Classes $10 One Day Only
                              Pre/Beg Tap 10 am
                              Tap1/Tap 2 10:30 am

Oct 23-30 Fall 2 Registration
Oct 31 Fall 2 Classes begin. 
        Tues students please let me know if you’re going to miss for Trick or Treat

Tues Nov 7 Classes will be held in the community room @ Whetstone (Election Day)

Fri Nov 10 No Friday Class (Veterans Day)

Nov 20-25 No Classes (Thanksgiving week)

Nov 25 Last Day to Pre Order Tights or Leotards for Dec Performance
                      For those who wish to order.  

Dec 11-15 Last Week of Classes for Fall 2

Saturday Dec 16 Performance Day
                           Whetstone Dancers @ 2 pm
                           Far East Dancers @ 4 pm

Jan 2-8 Winter Session Registration

This entry was posted on October 18, 2023.

Extra Class Offered Oct 21, 2023 

If you are returning Fall 2 and/or haven’t danced since May or July, I’m offering 2 classes on Oct 21, 2023. (One Day Only)

Pre/Beg Tap    10 am   $10   Whetstone Recreation Center Dance Room
Tap 1/Tap 2     10:30 am      $10    Whetstone Recreation Center Dance Room

This is an opportunity to refresh your skills before rejoining a class, or possibly learn some new skills.

The Pre/Beg Tap class is open to anyone, even if you are currently enrolled and want another chance to practice your skills.

The Tap1/Tap 2 class is for those dancers that have taken Beg Tap or Tap 1 or Tap 2 and would like review, or possibly learn a new skill. 

No Dances will be taught, this is strictly learning and working on skills. One Day only.

These classes are not available on the city website yet, please let me know if you’re interested or have any questions. 

This entry was posted on October 13, 2023.

Friday Classes at Far East

Those students currently enrolled in the Friday Pre Ballet and/or Pre Tap at Far East do not have to register for Fall 2 session. Your Fall 1 registration fee included the classes for Fall 2.

Remaining classes are as follows.

Oct 13, 20, Nove 3, 17, Dec 1, 8, 15

No Classes Oct 27 (registration week), Nov 10 (Veterans Day), 24 (day after Thanksgiving)

If you are not enrolled in the Fri Pre Ballet or Pre Tap at Far East and wish to enroll for the remaining classes, please let me know. 

All other classes Tues-Thurs will need to register the week of Oct 23-30 to continue and participate in the Winter Performance on Dec 16.

This entry was posted on October 13, 2023.

Fall 2 Registration

Current Students: If you are a current student and are planning on participating in the Winter Performance and paid your $10 Participation donation, your place in class for fall 2 has been reserved. I will be handing out papers this week and next, to those students, these papers will have your class codes for Fall 2 and directions how to register.

Current Students: Please let me know if you would like your child to continue next session, but do not wish to participate in the Winter Performance.

Returning Former Students: If you are not a currently enrolled student but wish to come back for Fall 2 please contact me and let me know. Some of the classes may be full or near full going into Fall 2 and there may not be availability.

If your place in class is reserved, your child’s name will be on a list and you will need to register in person at the recreation center. I must notify the rec centers several days before registration starts, in order for them to reduce the number of places available in class. 

Registration for Fall 2 starts Oct 23. Class fees must be paid before class begins the following week. 

I know this gets confusing, but sometimes classes fill and it’s the only way to ensure current and returning students can continue their training and not be closed out of a class.

This entry was posted on October 13, 2023.

Winter Performance Saturday, Dec 16, 2023 Whetstone Recreation Center Auditorium

Whetstone Dancers are tentatively scheduled to perform at 2 pm
Far East Dancers are tentatively scheduled to perform at 4 pm.

We will be starting their dances this session and finishing them next session.

We will be providing “costumes” for all dancers. However, there will not be time or any place for dancers to make costume changes, so all that will be provided is a skirt or something simple. Dancers are to provide their own leotards and tights. The leotard color for each class is listed at the bottom of this email.  

We ask that every dancer who wants to participate in the Winter Performance to donate $10 to help cover costs for the performance. Recitals, performances, costumes, props, ballet barres, etc, are funded thru fundraising, and this is our only Fall Fundraiser. This also allows me to know how many “Costumes” I’m providing and who wants to return next session.

Costumes are to be returned the day of the performance. Recycling and reusing costumes helps keep costs down. 

Currently enrolled students, please pay $10 by Oct 21, so I can reserve your place in class for Fall 2. Pay on-line or cash in class for a receipt.

Please let me know if you would like to be sponsored. If you would like to sponsor a child, you can do so thru the link.

Recital Fee and Sponsor A Child | Dreaming of Broadway Dance Lessons

All dancers should wear pink tights. Below is a listing for the color of leotard for each class.

Tap Boys wear Black dress slacks and White dress shirt when girls wear pink leotard, black dress shirt when girls wear black leotard.

Please let me know if you need help acquiring the proper leotards, tights, etc. We do have some donated leotards and tights for you to borrow.
You can purchase new pink tights from me for $5 cash in class. or order them thru the website. All Dancers Wear Pink for this performance.

Recital Leotards, Tights, Body Liners and Faux Hair Scrunchies | Dreaming of Broadway Dance Lessons

Whetstone Classes
Tues 12:30 Pre Ballet: Pink Leotard, Pink Tights Pink Ballet Slippers
Tues 1 pm Pre Tap: Pink Leotard, Pink Tights Black Tap Shoes

Tues 5 pm Pre Ballet: Pink Leotard, Pink Tights Pink Ballet Slippers
Tues 5:30 pm Pre Tap: Pink Leotard, Pink Tights Black Tap Shoes
Tues 6 pm Adv Ballet: Black Leotard Pink Tights Pink Ballet Slippers
Tues 7 pm Adv Tap: Black Leotard Pink Tights Black Tap Shoes
Tues 7:30 pm Adv Jazz: Black Leotard Pink Tights Black Split Sole Jazz Shoes

Wed 10:30 am Intro to Dance: Does not perform.
Wed 11 am Pre Ballet: Pink Leotard, Pink Tights Pink Ballet Slippers
Wed 11:30 am Pre Tap: Pink Leotard, Pink Tights Black Tap Shoes

Wed 5:15 pm Pre Ballet 2: (will be discussed in class)
Wed 6 pm Beg Tap: (will be discussed in class)
Wed 7 pm Ballet: Black Leotard Pink Tights Pink Ballet Slippers
Wed 7:30 pm Tap 2: Black Leotard Pink Tights Balck Tap Shoes
Wed 8 pm Jazz: Black Leotard Pink Tights Black Split Sole Jazz Shoes

Far East Classes
Thurs 5 pm Pre Ballet 2: (Lavender/Pink) Leotard Pink Tights Pink Ballet Slippers
Thurs 5:30 pm Beg Tap: (Lavender/Pink) Leotard Pink Tights Black Tap Shoes
Thurs 6 pm Tap 2:  Black Leotard Pink Tights Black Tap Shoes
Thurs 6:30 pm Ballet: Black Leotard Pink Tights Pink Ballet Slippers
Thurs 7 pm Tap 3: Black Leotard Pink Tights Balck Tap Shoes
Thurs 7:30 pm Jazz: Black Leotard Pink Tights Black Split Sole Jazz Shoes

Fri 5 pm Pre Ballet: Pink Leotard, Pink Tights Pink Ballet Slippers
Fri 5:30 pm Pre Tap: Pink Leotard, Pink Tights Black Tap Shoes

Please e-mail if you have any questions.

This entry was posted on October 13, 2023.

New Students

Please fill out a Registration Form in class and sign up for our emails.

Receive information on registration dates, class cancelations, costumes, recitals, etc.

This entry was posted on January 21, 2023.

Far East Dancers

Classes Start Today 1/19/2023

The city website says some of my classes are closed. This was only to secure saved spots and to control the number of open registrations available.

Classes are tonight and tomorrow. 

If you have not registered, please register tonight before class. PLAY grants must be submitted this week.

If you have any questions please send me an email. 

Thank you for your understanding. We are trying to figure out the best possible way to handle registration, saving places and controlling the number of students per class.

Miss Nicole

This entry was posted on January 19, 2023.

Winter 2022 Performance Information

Performance Date: Saturday, December 17th, 2022

Whetstone Recreation Center Auditorium

This year, due to the size of the location, we will be having 2 shows.

Whetstone Dancers will be performing at 2 pm.

Far East Dancers will be performing at 4 pm

Our recitals can attract as many as 700+ spectators, and the Whetstone Recreation Center Auditorium can only accommodate around 300.

Additionally, we will not be able to line the dancers up in a special dancers line up room, nor will there be a location for costume changes. This recital will only be for showcasing the dances they learned Fall I/II Sessions.

Dancers in classes before 6 pm (Pre ballet & Pre-Tap) should wear light pink leotards, pink tights and the appropriate shoes.

Dancers in classes 6 pm or later should wear Black leotards and pink tights and the appropriate dance shoes.

Jazz Dancers should also wear black leggings. 

All other classes, I may be able to provide matching skirts.

Leotards can be short sleeve, tank, or long sleeve and can be skirted or plain. Attached skirts can be rolled and tucked under when a skirt is provided.

In the past we have had raffles or sold baked goods to raise money during our Winter shows, however, this year we will not be having a raffle or selling anything during these performances, which means our only option to raise money for expenses is to ask each dancer to donate $10. 

More on Costumes
I will be sending out an e-mail with a link to our website for any items you may wish to purchase, ie, tights or leotards, Please, do not feel obligated to order, if you can find items cheaper elsewhere, please do. There isn’t much mark up on the items we sell, the mark up only helps cover shipping costs from the manufacturer.

If you do not have a pink or black leotard (depending on your class) and need one for the performance, please let me know. We have some leotards and tights that have been donated and we may be able to lend you one for the performance.

Anything borrowed for the performance, leotards, tights, skirts, shoes need to be returned the day of the performance. The more that we can provide to dancers, now and in the future, the less out of pocket.

If you have leotards, tights, dance shoes you would like to donate, please bring them to class or drop them off at the rec center for Miss Nicole.

I appreciate your understanding. The Winter show is an opportunity for dancers to perform for an audience. For the little ones, we are proud if they go on stage. We aren’t asking for perfection, but we do ask that you have your child practice. Their confidence in the classroom will show on stage. It’s an exciting time for the dancers and prepares them for our bigger show in the Spring.

Miss Nicole

This entry was posted on October 14, 2022.