Due to the Popularity of the Pre/Beg Ballet Classes 

All Dancers: I try to give my returning students priority for registration. If your child wants to continue their training, I want to make sure they can. Some classes fill very quickly on the Cities Activenet website and those without the ability to register on-line can get closed out of a class before they can make it to the center to register in person.

By putting your child’s name on my class roster prior to registration of the new session, you do not have to register on the website, your spot is saved and you can register in person*. Your name must be on the list in order to register this way. This process also allows me to see how many openings remain. Currently enrolled students have priority, followed by students that are returning from past sessions. 

*If you ask me to save your child’s place, you must register in person before the first class. Please do not register on-line, if you do, you will be taking an open spot for another child. If you do not register and miss the first 2 classes, you will lose your place in class. Please reach out to me if your child is going to miss any classes. 

I offer this pre-registration option to all my Dance classes, so please let me know if you want to return or continue any classes for Spring 2022. We will be starting dances for the 2022 Spring Recital this session in 2-3 weeks.

Spring Session start March 21
Registration is Marc`h 14-20

P.L.A.Y. Grants are available thru the city for those that qualify and need help with class fees. The city will pay up to $20 per child per session for one activity offered at Columbus Recreation and Parks Recreation Centers.

PLAY Scholarship Fund – Columbus Recreation and Parks Department (columbusrecparks.com)

Far East Dancers

For Winter and Spring Sessions I added a Pre/Beg ballet Class at Far East on Fridays at 5 pm. This class will not meet on Fri, May 20th due to the Spring Recital Dress Rehearsal. 

The Thursday 5pm Pre/Beg Ballet class at Far East still has a few openings and are reserved for any past students wanting to return. Please contact me if you would like me to save a place in class for your child.

Whetstone Dancers

The 5 pm Pre/Beg ballet class at Whetstone is now officially full (all 15 spots are filled) for Winter Session. If you are currently enrolled in the class and know you want to return for Spring for the same class and time, please let me know.

If you are not currently enrolled in the 5 pm Wed class and would like to have your child dance, please let me know if you would be interested in a Monday 5 pm Pre/Beginner class at Whetstone. There are no Monday Holidays Spring Session.

If you are not currently enrolled in the 5 pm Wed class but would like to return during that day/time at Whetstone, please let me know and I will put you on my waiting list and let you know if there is an opening next session.

Pre/Beg Tap classes at both centers at 5:30 pm (Far East Thurs) (Whetstone Wed) are near capacity.

Thank You, Miss Nicole

This entry was posted on February 11, 2022. Bookmark the permalink.