Winter Party 2015

Hi Everyone,

Our Winter Party is scheduled for Saturday, December 19th 2-4 pm. at Whetstone Recreation Center Auditorium.

This is a private party for dancers and their immediate families. The auditorium is not large enough for extended family and additional guests. Our Spring recital location can seat 1100 in the audience, so dancers may invite as many to that performance as they wish.

We ask that each family bring cookies, drink or snack to share.

This is a chance for the dancers to dress up and mingle with the other dancers and see some of the classes perform in an informal performance.

For those classes that I have chosen to perform please wear the leotards, tights and shoes as described in class. I will also send out e-mails to each class. I will provide your child with a skirt and hair piece, etc, that will be passed out and needs to be returned that day.

Please let me know if your child will not be attending or can not participate at the Winter Party.

Miss Nicole Johnson

This entry was posted on December 8, 2015. Bookmark the permalink.