Registration Reminder

Just a reminder, registration started this week. Classes are filling up at Whetstone, so please register today.

Far East Dancers…. We are going to have a brand new dance floor and mirrors. I have also offered some new classes so check here dance website or the city website activenet for classes offered.

If you have questions about which class you should register for e-mail me, or register for the same class and we can move your child if need be. Placement is based on the ages and level abilities of those registered in the class. I prefer not to have anyone in a class where they will struggle, but I don’t want to hold anyone back either. Sometimes a year as the best (knowledgeable/skilled) dancer in a class can build confidence in a child.

Looking forward to seeing everyone again.

Miss Nicole

This entry was posted on September 4, 2013. Bookmark the permalink.