Dreaming of Broadway is a great, affordable way to get the training and experience needed to audition for and excel on high school cheer and dance squads, private studio competition dance teams, musicals and other dance related activities.
Dreaming of Broadway offers five sessions of dance classes throughout the year – Fall I, Fall II, Winter, Spring, and Summer – as well as a variety of dance styles, various levels for advancement, and two yearly dance recitals. Classes are held at two Columbus Recreation and Park locations and inspire over 100 dancers per session.
Email Miss Nicole at dreamingofbroadway@aol.com.
Important Pages
Recital Information
International High School
4077 Karl Rd
Saturday, May 18, 2024
6:30 pm
Extra Class Offered Oct 21, 2023
If you are returning Fall 2 and/or haven’t danced since May or July, I’m offering 2 classes on Oct 21, 2023. (One Day Only) Pre/Beg Tap 10 am $10 Whetstone Recreation Center Dance RoomTap 1/Tap 2 10:30 am $10 Whetstone Recreation Center Dance Room This is an opportunity to refresh…
Friday Classes at Far East
Those students currently enrolled in the Friday Pre Ballet and/or Pre Tap at Far East do not have to register for Fall 2 session. Your Fall 1 registration fee included the classes for Fall 2. Remaining classes are as follows. Oct 13, 20, Nove 3, 17, Dec 1, 8, 15 No Classes Oct 27 (registration week), Nov…
Fall 2 Registration
Current Students: If you are a current student and are planning on participating in the Winter Performance and paid your $10 Participation donation, your place in class for fall 2 has been reserved. I will be handing out papers this week and next, to those students, these papers will have your class codes for Fall…